Jada Pinkett Smith

The better half of Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, is best known for playing roles in The Nutty Professor, A Different World, and The Matrix Reloaded, among others. Pinkett Smith has proven to be quite a versatile individual, and aside from acting, she also is a known producer and screenwriter. She also launched her music career back in 2002. At that time, she helped create the heavy metal band Wicked Wisdom.

As business partners, the Smith couple also founded a production company where they poured a portion of their investment money. These two met in 1994, and while they also had issues like other couples, they have been the perfect pair so far. What keeps her busy now is her job as the host of Red Table Talk, a Facebook Watch program where she discusses a wide range of topics. The actress also founded a foundation that helps kids in inner cities along with their families.

Mary J. Blige

The American singing royalty has numerous prominent names under it, but when it comes to the best singers, only a few people come to mind. One of whom is Mary J. Blige, and she’s certainly one singer who easily steals all of the attention. There might be several singers who are talented in today’s music scene, but one can argue that there’s no one quite like Blige.

There’s no question that Blige made a significant impact on the music industry. She certainly deserves credit for revolutionizing music as we know it today. Interestingly, she recently turned 50 years old back in January of 2021. Though she’s in her 50s, one can argue that Blige looks a lot younger than she actually is. She even performs like she’s in her late 20s! This iconic American singer is one of the best ones we’ve ever seen!

Missy Elliot

There’s a couple of celebrities who only have one name or a name that doesn’t seem like the name which they were given at birth. One of whom is Missy Elliott, and she’s one of the most successful performers and recording artists in today’s music scene. As cool and as successful Elliott is, her real birth name is actually Melissa Arnette Elliot.

Elliott has been able to achieve success and popularity as a rapper, singer, and producer. Besides music, she’s also managed to appear in a good number of films. Some of her most notable acting credits came in films such as Shark Tale, Honey, and Just for Kicks. She recently turned 50 years old in July of 2021, and you could say that she still looks incredibly youthful. She’s also working on several upcoming projects, and we can’t wait to see what she has in store in the next few years.

Winona Ryder

Only a select number of people come to mind when it comes to Hollywood’s acting royalty. One can argue that Winona Ryder is one of the actresses that’s on top of that list. She started acting ever since she was in her childhood, and she has been in the spotlight ever since. With this in mind, it’s not a surprise that this tenured actress was able to achieve success and greatness in the entertainment industry.

Ryder continues to appear in television and film today, even at the age of 50. One of her most recent acting credits comes in the hit Netflix show called Stranger Things. It certainly makes sense that Ryder took this acting gig since she’s starred in identical projects such as Heathers, Girl, and Beetlejuice. We hope that she continues to carve success in the entertainment industry!

Sean Austin

It’s quite a rare feat for childhood stars to still be in the acting industry today. More often than not, child actors avoid the spotlight as they grow up due to the immense amount of pressure they feel. However, it’s certainly not the case for Sean Austin as he still continues to appear in films and television shows today. If you don’t recognize him, he is best known for starring in the iconic 1985 film The Goonies.

Austin has certainly been able to achieve success in Hollywood as an actor. Some of his most notable acting performances came in iconic films such as 50 First Dates, Stranger Things, and many more. He’s also known for his credit role as Samwise Gamgee in the Lord of The Rings trilogy. Interestingly, Austin is already in his 50s, and he’s undoubtedly one of the most recognizable actors today.



今年1月King剛滿50歲,可以說時間過得真快!雖然她已經50歲了,但她看起來肯定比現在的年齡年輕得多。如今,金繼續出現在電影和電視中,值得一問的是她是否會在她的簡歷中加入更多標誌性的表演。她已經擁有一對夫婦,例如 Daddy Day Care 和 A Cinderella Story!


你可以證明 Snoop Dogg 的名字是嘻哈和說唱行業的代名詞。談論嘻哈當然很難不提他的名字或作品。毫無疑問,他是有史以來最成功的說唱歌手之一,並且擁有相當龐大的粉絲群。他在全世界擁有數百萬粉絲,考慮到他發行了一些嘻哈音樂史上最具標誌性的專輯,這不足為奇。

看起來 Snoop 確實是那些永不過時的好萊塢名人之一。信不信由你,幾個月前的 2021 年 10 月,Snoop 最近剛滿 50 歲。在他這個年紀,我們非常有信心 Snoop 不需要任何貸款來支付他想要過的任何生活方式。畢竟,他作為錄音藝術家賺了數億美元!


誰會相信 Denise Richards 已經 50 歲了?也許我們可以讚揚她出色的化妝技巧和護膚程序。在她早期的電影中,她一直保持著我們記憶中的年輕光彩。她曾在《真愛至上》、《情人》和《荒野大鏢客》等電影中出演過各種角色。理查茲從1990年開始活躍於娛樂圈,可以說是成功的。

除了表演,她還熱衷於模特。理查茲登上了 Esquire、Redbook、Cosmopolitan 和 Empire 等雜誌的封面。她也有商業頭腦,因此她在 2012 年涉足香水行業。作為模特、時尚和化妝品方面的專家,Oro Gold Cosmetics 讓 Richards 成為他們的品牌大使是有道理的。後來,她將開發自己的護膚系列 CBme Beauty。


可以說,艾麗卡·巴杜家族中流淌著天賦。小時候,她和媽媽一起表演。她的妹妹 Nayrok 是當時他們的替補歌手之一。後來她長大成為一名流行新靈魂樂子流派的歌手。事實上,她被稱為“新靈魂女王”。 1990 年代和 2000 年代初期是她最好的十年,她能夠與 Maxwell 和 D'Angelo 等藝術家合作。

Badu 在為 Bilal 的 EP VOYAGE-19 的現場直播錄製做出貢獻時,也表現出了創作音樂的靈活性,由於世界形勢,該專輯必須在線製作。除了唱歌——和幾位知名藝術家一樣——她還涉足表演。評論褒貶不一,但她繼續並為這一技能組合進行了投資。 Badu 出現在 The Cider House Rules 和 Blues Brothers 2000 中。


在伊迪娜·門澤爾 (Idina Menzel) 僅 15 歲時,她的父母不得不在律師的幫助下完成分居。對於這位想成為歌手的人來說,這是一個艱難的階段,但她能夠通過在婚禮和活動中擔任歌手來堅持下去。後來,她上了大學,畢業於美術課程,主修戲劇。現在她被認為是百老匯最成功的表演者之一。

門澤爾在 2000 年代從舞台表演轉向電影和電視,因為她認為這樣做可以擴大她的粉絲群。她在電影 Enchanted 中扮演非歌唱角色,並在 Glee 中飾演 Shelby Corcoran。如果您想知道,她是冰雪奇緣系列電影中艾爾莎的配音員。她為這部電影錄製的歌曲“Let It Go”非常受歡迎,尤其是在當今的兒童中。


珍娜·埃爾夫曼 (Jenna Elfman) 剛開始時,她熱衷於成為一名舞者。她甚至在“Somebody's Crying”和“Halo”等許多音樂視頻中獲得了榮譽。之後,她接手了電視廣告項目,後來出演了短命的情景喜劇 Townies。埃爾夫曼是一位成就卓著的女演員,曾獲得黃金時段艾美獎喜劇系列傑出女主角三項提名。

不過,她不僅僅關注工作,還在好萊塢找到了愛情。 1991 年,Elfman 在為 Sprite 廣告試鏡時遇到了演員 Bodhi Pine Elfman。兩人一拍即合,最終結婚。除了演戲,埃爾夫曼還積極參與慈善活動和籌款活動。她甚至為一場時裝秀做模特,只是為了為全美閱讀計劃籌集一些資金。


現年 51 歲的 Kid Rock 已證明自己是一位出色的說唱歌手和歌手。他出生於羅伯特·詹姆斯·里奇,但在成長過程中,他對說唱音樂產生了興趣,並在擔任 DJ 的同時開始參加才藝表演。然後他被暱稱為 Kid Rock,並且這個名字一直流傳下來。 Kid Rock 於 1990 年發行了他的首張專輯《Grits Sandwiches for Breakfast》。

歌手的音樂風格通常在嘻哈、重金屬、鄉村和搖滾之間交替。他是一位自學成才的音樂家,這可能是他風格相當多樣化的原因。然而,他的音樂作品往往是鄉村和搖滾。 Kid Rock 也遇到過法律問題,因此他不得不多次拜訪律師事務所。值得慶幸的是,他能夠克服這些挑戰並繼續他的成功。


不可否認的是,我們的許多熱情最初都是在童年時期產生的。好吧,安東尼拉普就是這種情況。甚至在考慮大學和大學學位之類的事情之前,拉普就已經有了他作為演員的第一次經歷,即在戲劇作品中表演。幾年後,當他出演百老匯製作的 Rent 時,這種熱情為他帶來了更大的名氣。從那以後,這位演員出現在諸如《星際迷航:探索號》、《你是個好人》、《查理布朗》和《如果/那麼》等項目中。

多年來,拉普一直在劇院、電影和電視界工作,而且似乎還沒有停止。除了他作為音樂家/演員的職業生涯、為銀幕和舞台增光添彩之外,這位 If/Then 明星在聚光燈之外也有相當美好的生活。當他不忙於項目時,毫無疑問,Rapp 會選擇與他的搭檔 Ken Ithiphol 一起度過空閒時間。


雖然娛樂行業的職業生涯可以從人生的任何階段開始,但毫不奇怪,許多我們最喜愛的明星在相當年輕的時候就開始了他們的旅程——也許他們甚至都不知道。嗯,對於 Cara Buono,她在 12 歲時獲得了她的處女作演出,在獲獎劇作家哈維菲爾斯坦製作的 Spookhouse 舞台劇中表演。當然,這是對錶演場景的介紹。

幾年後,博諾全身心投入演藝事業。除了在舞台上表演外,她還在 1992 年的 Waterland 中首次登上大銀幕。隨後在獨立項目中工作一段時間後,Buono 因出演連續劇《廣告狂人》而聞名。其他值得注意的影片包括《黑道家族》、《讓我進去》,以及最近的《怪奇物語》和《女超人》。可以說,這位女演員的袖子下仍然隱藏著很多技巧。


在整個學年裡,丹尼爾·桑賈塔 (Daniel Sunjata) 展示了他對運動的天賦,尤其是足球。話雖如此,雖然足球生涯對他來說可能是一個合適的選擇,但他最終還是將目光轉向了表演。完成了他的美術碩士學位學業後,可以肯定地說,他完全致力於他選擇的這條新路線。

可以說,早年研究和打磨他的技藝已經成為 Sunjata 在聚光燈下為他的職業生涯所做的最初幾筆投資。 1998 年左右開始他的職業生涯,Sunjata 早期的角色是在第十二夜,或者你會怎樣;我所有的孩子,和 DC。不過,現在可以肯定地說,大多數粉絲最了解他是因為他在喜劇連續劇《拯救我》中的表演。從那時起,Sunjata 的職業生涯遠未結束,他又出演了其他項目,例如 The Stand、Grey's Anatomy、Small Town Crime、Notorious 和 Power Book II:Ghost。


通常情況下,名人需要一段時間才能大放異彩。然而,情況並非總是如此。阿方索·里貝羅 (Alfonso Ribeiro) 就是這樣的一個例子。里貝羅八歲開始他的職業生涯,不久之後他第一次成名,這要歸功於他在舞台音樂劇《踢踏舞小子》中的主要表演。憑藉他在聚光燈下閃耀的舞蹈技巧,難怪他最終有機會在廣告中展示更多。

雖然這些早期的工作無疑讓他受到了公眾的關注,但幾年後里貝羅的名氣飆升至更高的高度,因為他在現在具有標誌性的電視情景喜劇“新鮮的貝萊爾王子”中獲得了卡爾頓班克斯的角色。除了在整個系列中的表演之外,里貝羅還向世界介紹了一種舞蹈套路,後來被稱為“卡爾頓舞”。從那時起,他參與的其他項目包括《In the House》、《All of Us》,以及最近的《布偶鬼屋》。


除了電影和電視劇,我們認識的許多明星都是靠主持節目成名的。布魯克·伯克 (Brooke Burke) 在大學期間學習廣播新聞。話雖如此,她在 1999 年獲得了她的第一個主持演出——那是為旅行系列 Wild On!從那以後,她主持的其他節目包括 Hidden Heroes、Rock Star:INXS、I Dare You 和 She's Got the Look。

在此過程中,伯克還涉足其他領域。除了在節目《梅麗莎與喬伊》中反復出演外,主持人還嘗試了舞蹈,並加入了與星共舞的第七季。最終贏得比賽后,伯克將部分投資資金用於健身和健康相關項目,包括一系列健身鍛煉 DVD、一個母親在線社區和兩本書。就在最近,Burke 還成為了名為 Intimate Knowledge 的播客的聯合主持人。


當她的父母找到家庭主婦和一家保安公司老闆的工作時,克里斯汀·泰勒選擇了在聚光燈下的職業。泰勒在 1989 年左右開始她的職業生涯,她的第一場銀幕演出是為尼克國際兒童頻道 (Nickelodeon) 的兒童系列節目《嘿,伙計》。除了扮演這個角色直到 1991 年,泰勒還客串了其他節目。即便如此,不可否認的是,這位女演員在 1995 年獲得了她的重大突破,當時她在布雷迪家族電影中扮演了瑪西婭布雷迪的角色。

不久之後她參與的其他項目包括婚禮歌手、老友記和工藝品。除此之外,泰勒生命中另一個值得注意的時刻是在 2000 年,她與演員本·斯蒂勒 (Ben Stiller) 結婚。從那以後,這位女演員獲得了很多銀幕作品,出現在斯蒂勒的電影中,包括超級名模、熱帶驚雷和躲避球:一個真正的失敗者故事。她還將在即將上映的系列劇《高沙漠》中扮演一個反復出現的角色。

Craig Robinson

Before making his way into the spotlight, Craig Robinson found his footing performing stand-up comedy gigs and open-mic sessions. With his sense of humor and improvisational skills, these stints on stage eventually led him to appear in shows, including spots on late-night programs such as Jimmy Kimmel Live. Not long after, he was able to land small roles in shows such as Friends and Arrested Development.

Today, even to viewers who don’t know him very well, Robinson is frequently made to play the show/movie’s comic relief – and he’s pretty good at it. After having had many roles, his popularity rose to an even higher degree when he took on the part of Darryl Philbin in The Office. His other show-stealing roles are for shows such as Brooklyn Nine-Nine, This Is the End, and Hot Tub Time Machine. Besides comedy, however, Robinson can also do drama, as evidenced by his highly-acclaimed performance in the 2016 film Morris from America.

Angela Kinsey

During her years in university, Angela Kinsey was already more than eager to pursue an acting career. While studying for her Bachelor of Arts degree, Kinsey took time to polish her skills in performing and acting. Suffice to say, all that hard work has since been paid off. After graduating, she began her career under the spotlight working as an intern on Late Night with Conan O’Brien.

Along with working a couple of other jobs and landing small roles for sitcoms, Kinsey scored a two-episode stint in the animated series King of the Hill. With that said, her career big break came a few years later after she auditioned for a role in The Office. Initially wanting the role of Pam Beesly, Kinsey ultimately got the part of Angela Martin. Since then, with her performance as Martin garnering widespread recognition, Kinsey has been able to work on other projects, including Haters Back Off, Your Family or Mine, New Girl, and License to Wed.

Christina Applegate

Because her mother is an experienced actress, it comes as no surprise that Christina Applegate eventually followed suit. In fact, when she was just a year old, Applegate landed a part alongside her mother in the soap opera Days of Our Lives. Plus, at just three months old, she even appeared in a commercial for Playtex baby bottles. Without knowing, her foot was on the metaphorical gas pedal, headed toward an acting career before she even learned how to walk.

At nine years old, Applegate landed her film debut, performing in King Cobra. It was during her teen years, though, that she landed her big break, which was the role of Kelly Bundy in Married… with Children. Since then, the now-more experienced actress has been able to maintain a successful career under the spotlight, starring in projects like Dead to Me, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, The Big Hit, and Up All Night.

Bridget Moynahan

Throughout childhood, Bridget Moynahan was quite an athletic kid: she was the captain of her school’s girls’ basketball, soccer, and lacrosse teams. After finishing high school, she started a career in the modeling scene. Throughout that period, she had the chance to work for brands such as Vogue Paris, Glamour, and Elle. Suffice to say, this was a good career for her. Even so, that didn’t stop Moynahan from shifting her sights to a different line of work.

After her modeling stints, Moynahan pursued an acting career. Beginning with on-screen gigs for commercials, she got her TV debut in 1999, landing the recurring role of Natasha in Sex and the City. Since then, she has landed more and more significant roles in projects such as The Sum of All Fears, Serendipity, I, Robot, and Crown Vic. Plus, she is also starring in the ongoing drama series, Blue Bloods, where she plays the assistant district attorney Erin Reagan.

David Tennant

At a young age, David Tennant was already set on becoming an actor – he was just three years old at this point. Now, what is the reason behind this goal, you ask? Well, as it turns out, that credit goes to the sci-fi TV series Doctor Who. With that said, Tennant began his journey into the acting scene not long after, when he was still in secondary school.

Like a severe case of things going full circle, Tennant has since become universally known for portraying the tenth iteration of the titular Doctor in the Doctor Who series. Besides his tenure in the world-famous sci-fi program, the actor was also able to showcase his acting chops in other projects. Some notable titles include Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Jessica Jones, and Hamlet. Plus, besides his performance in movies, shows, and stage plays, Tennant also displayed a knack for voice-acting, lending his voice to shows such as DuckTales and the upcoming series, The Legend of Vox Machina.

Amy Poehler

A love for something can be discovered at any point in one’s life. For Amy Poehler, this moment came when she landed the role of Dorothy for her school’s stage production of The Wizard of Oz. Suffice to say, the experience has played a significant part in helping her pursue a career as an actress. Along the way, during her college years, while studying for her bachelor’s degree in media and communications, Poehler joined an improv comedy troupe.

These earlier stints in acting and comedy ultimately became the starting point of her eventual career, and Poehler slowly made her way into the entertainment industry. All that hard work finally paid off when she got her first shot to fame, appearing as a cast member for Saturday Night Live. Of course, that popularity rose to even greater heights when she landed the role of Leslie Knope in Parks and Recreation. Other projects she has worked on since then include Shrek the Third, Inside Out, Moxie, and Blades of Glory.

David Arquette

Like music, movies and shows are often categorized by genres, and each one has its own loyal fan base. From sci-fi to sitcoms, there’s no denying that the horror genre is just as strong. Now with that out of the way, it’s safe to say many fans of the genre recognize the actor David Arquette.

Beginning his career around 1990, Arquette appeared in films such as Airheads, Never Been Kissed, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Besides his stint in the wrestling scene, the actor garnered widespread recognition when he landed the role of Dewey Riley in the Scream franchise, a character he reprised for the fifth installment after about a decade since the previous film. Along the way, Arquette has also landed an acting credit in projects such as Just Before I Go, The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl, and Tron: Uprising. Besides working on films and shows, however, the actor/director also has a fondness for painting. In fact, he’s even a Bob Ross instructor.

Elon Musk

People’s magazine Person of the Year, Elon Musk, has just turned 50, and it really does not show much on his face. He still looks youthful despite all the stress he has to deal with running his various ventures. As Tesla’s main man and the wealthiest person on Earth, Musk is responsible for a lot of things. One of those is to ensure that cars run on electricity from batteries and not from traditional fuel sources.

Apart from that, Musk was also the man behind PayPal before it even became that. The super billionaire is quite known for his controversial stand on many issues and his rather viral Tweets now and then. At one point, he also received criticism for spreading incorrect information regarding the pandemic. Experts have also chastised him for his view on artificial intelligence, among others, but that has not stopped him from innovating.

Eric Stonestreet

Modern Family’s Eric Stonestreet got two Emmy Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series for playing a very amicable character in the series. He became famous for his role in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. This is contrary to what he initially wanted as a child, to be a clown. He even created a clown character named Fizbo to show the degree of dedication he had for this passion.

He then went into acting and debuted on Almost Famous as the desk clerk Sheldon. After that, he quickly rose to fame. In 2013, he also appeared in a series of ads for Big W, an Australian retail company. Stonestreet was also part of the panel of judges for America’s Got Talent, in place of fellow celebrity Heidi Klum. That year, the actor was also tapped to appear in a music video for “Struck with U”.

Ewan McGregor

Those feeling adventurous might take a hint from Ewan McGregor, who is an avid motorcycle rider. His passion made him embark on a world tour on his motorcycle in 2004, which he also documented. He can even start an online class about all the trips he made, and we would definitely find them educational. The whole series was made into a documentary called Long Way Home.

McGregor has been a part of many films, including Doctor Sleep, Salmon Fishing in Yemen, and Moulin Rouge! The actor has become a household name in Britain and an important part of the British cinematic world. In 2004, when BBC created a poll, he ranked fourth on the list of influential people in British culture. On top of all these, he is also active, making contributions to charitable institutions. In recognition of his work, he was granted an Order of the British Empire in 2013.

Jared Leto

Morbius star Jared Leto is an Academy Award-winning actor. He received his breakthrough in the series My So-Called Life. He was not even originally a regular in that program, but when the producers and directors saw him act, they made him a part of the show right away. He would later appear on How to Make an American Quilt and Prefontaine, where he received critical praise and credit for his work.

Leto later ventured into music and formed the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. They released their first album, 30 Seconds to Mars, in 2002, which also received praise but very limited commercial success. That did not stop them, and as of 2014, the band has sold over 15 million albums worldwide. Leto is considered to be a method actor who exerts a lot of effort for his roles and he remains in character throughout the shoot.

Jeremy Renner

MCU’s Hawkeye, Jeremy Renner, has been nominated for a number of awards, including the Academy Award for Best Actor for the movie The Hurt Locker. The actor has appeared in a number of movies, but it is his role in The Avengers that really made him famous. When he was just starting, Renner was part of the comedy National Lampoon’s Senior Trip. The film itself was widely criticized, but Renner made it big later on. He started with supporting roles in minor films, but his investments paid off, and he got the MCU role.

Another fact you might not be aware of regarding this actor is that he became a big brother again at age 41 when his youngest sibling was born. He is also a fan of the San Francisco 49ers, and as an avid football fan, it was a happy moment for him when he narrated the NFL Network docu-series “A Tale of Two Cities”.

Johnny Knoxville

As a stunt performer, Johnny Knoxville has been involved in a number of TV shows and movies. Most of these projects involve a great number of stunts that might scare most people, but not Knoxville. He even co-created and starred in his own MTV reality show, Jackass. When the series ended, he went on to become part of the first installment of the Jackass movie series.

Apart from these movies, the 50-year old actor also appeared in The Last Stand, The Dukes of Hazzard, and Men in Black II. A very physical man, Knoxville also got himself involved in WWE. His first opponent in the ring was The Great Khali back in 2008. As with The Great Khali, Johnny Knoxville is not his real name. He was born Philip John Clapp, but he thought that this name did not evoke the degree of fear and rIsk he usually takes on when doing his stunts, so he changed it.

Jon Hamm

Having $150 to your name isn’t enough to get the moving company to help you transfer your belongings. But that fact did not stop Jon Hamm from pursuing his dream and moving to Los Angeles. During that time, he was focused on becoming an actor. His hard work paid off eventually, and his performance on the series Mad Men earned him critical praise.

Hamm is a fan of tennis and golf, as well as hockey. His favorite team is the St. Louis Blues. He even appeared in a TV advertisement for the team. Due to his popularity, Mercedes-Benz also tapped him to be the voice behind their commercials. Apparently, people loved his voice so much. Because of this, American Airlines commissioned him for several other projects. He was also named one of the sexiest men alive in 2008.

Justin Theroux

You read that wrong, it is Justin Theroux and not Justin Trudeau. The latter is the Prime Minister of Canada, but the former is an American actor who is quite known for his work with Director David Lynch for the movie Mulholland Drive. Later on, Theroux would make his directorial debut with the film Dedication in 2007. The multi-talented celebrity also starred in the HBO series Leftovers. His performance here gained the attention of the audience, so he was nominated for the Critic’s Choice Television Award for Best Actor in a Drama Series.

Despite the ongoing world situation, the actor still has upcoming projects, such as a planned appearance in The Mosquito Coast. He is also credited as the executive producer of the series. Just in case you are wondering, Theroux has Canadian blood in him from his father’s side. He also has relatives on the other side of the ocean, Marcel and Louis Theroux.

Keegan-Michael Key

You probably have seen Keegan-Michael Key in a number of memes online, and this is primarily because of his work in comedy. He has starred alongside Jordan Peele in the sketch series Key & Peele, which ran from 2012 to 2015. He also spent six seasons as part of Mad TV and appeared alongside Peele in Fargo back in 2014. This duo has the right degree of chemistry on-screen to bring out laughter in everyone.

Key has both a bachelor’s and a master’s diploma in Fine Arts. This is probably one reason why he is very creative. He became a member of the Second City Detroit’s cast and later founded the Detroit Creativity Project, where they taught students improv so that they could make improvements in their communication skills. He also hosted an online fundraiser event sponsored by the Jazz Foundation of America.

Lance Armstrong

You could say that it’s quite difficult to have a well-known and well-respected role model end up disappointing his fans and followers. Lance Armstrong is one famous athlete who enjoyed many successful years as a professional road racing cyclist. However, Armstrong was stripped of all of his seven Tour de France titles after he admitted to using performance-enhancing substances. All of his titles were won from 1999 to 2005, and you could say that it all went down the drain fast.
It’s no secret that millions of people looked up to Lance Armstrong. After all, people found his story inspiring after he was able to overcome testicular cancer. Today, Lance recently turned 50 in September of 2021. It’s been years since he was stripped of his titles, and we’re hoping that he’s secured investments outside of sports that can help him sustain the lifestyle he wants.

Luke Wilson

Luke Wilson is one well-known American actor who seems to always pop up in various American films and television shows. As an actor, Wilson holds numerous acting credits to his resume. He’s certainly versatile enough as an actor to take on and fulfill any role in any film, no matter what genre it may be. You could say that Wilson is one of the most dependable go-to guys in Hollywood today.
It’s no secret that Luke has been able to put together a successful career in acting. As an actor, Wilson holds an impressive acting resume that comprises countless film and television roles. Interestingly, this versatile Hollywood talent recently turned 50 back in September 2021. Though he’s already in his 50s, you could say that Wilson doesn’t have retirement in mind. He continues to appear in some of our favorite television shows and films today!

Mark Consuelos

There are a good number of Hollywood actors who reach a certain point in their career and stop working on their craft for whatever reason. All of a sudden, they walk away from acting, and you never see them on the big screen or television screen ever again. Well, this tragic fact certainly isn’t the case with Mark Consuelos. As an actor, Mark has been able to achieve success, and he continues to accumulate acting credits as an actor.
You could say that Mark Consuelos’ career as an actor is more alive and well today. Interestingly, Consuelos recently turned 50 in March of 2021. It’s also worth noting that Mark celebrated his 25-year marriage with his wife, Kelly Ripa, last year. It certainly looks like Mark is having a blast on and off-screen. We certainly hope he continues to enjoy his blissful professional and personal life.

Mark Wahlberg

When it comes to renowned Hollywood actors, it can be quite difficult to believe that they’re already older than what we think they are. One of these actors is Mark Wahlberg, and we’ve seen him on our screens for several years. However, we could have never fathomed that he is already in his 50s! Though he’s already 50, one can argue that Wahlberg has one of the best physiques in the industry today.

As an actor, Wahlberg has been able to star and appear in countless films and television shows. Besides acting, he has also managed to accumulate several wise investments outside of show business. Without a doubt, he’s incredibly smart with his money, and it’ll certainly allow him to grow his net worth with relative ease. Acting-wise, he continues to appear in film and television, and we can’t wait to see his performance in his upcoming projects!

Sacha Baron Cohen

You could say that Hollywood actor Sacha Baron Cohen is nothing short of a comedic genius. It’s certainly difficult to ignore his iconic comedic performances in the past couple of decades. Some of his most iconic comedic performances include films such as the Borat series, The Dictator, Bruno, and many more. Without a doubt, he’s been able to solidify his name as one of the greatest comedians of our time.

Cohen’s comedic prowess also allowed him to win several awards as an actor. He recently won two Golden Globe Awards in 2020 for Borat Subsequent Moveifilm. To this day, she continues to push the boundaries of comedy in Hollywood. He’s turning 51 in October of 2022, and he continues to receive credit as a Hollywood icon. As fans, we’re deeply excited to see what Cohen has in store for us in the next few years to come!

Sandra Oh

It’s perfectly normal for celebrities to take on a surplus of roles throughout their acting careers. Despite the sheer number of roles, there are always going to be ones that fans will associate them with more than others. It’s certainly the case with Sandra Oh, and you could say that it feels more fitting to call her “Dr. Christina Yang.”

Christina Yang is her credit role in the iconic medical drama Grey’s Anatomy, which ran from 2005 until 2014. Despite being widely known as Christina Yang, Oh’s acting resume goes far beyond just Grey’s Anatomy. She is also an accomplished film actress. Interestingly, she recently turned 50 back in July of 2021, and there’s certainly no doubt that she looks better than ever. You could easily argue that she’s well on her way to landing another prominent acting role in television pretty soon.

Shannen Doherty

If you grew up during the ‘90s, then there’s a good chance that you were able to follow the iconic series Beverly Hills, 90210. There are certainly several famous faces that come to mind when it comes to that show. However, out of all those famous faces, it’s probably Shannen Doherty that’s the most recognizable one. One could even argue that she was the most lovable one in the show!

Today, Doherty is already 50 years of age, and she continues to appear in film and television. Interestingly, Doherty has been battling several health issues for quite some time now. Needless to say, this Beverly Hills, 90210 alum isn’t letting her health condition stop her from doing what she loves: acting. In fact, she’s got more projects lined up for her in the next couple of years! She certainly deserves credit for being an inspiration to her fans!

Sofia Coppola

Sophia Coppola is a well-known director, producer, and screenwriter. As a filmmaker, she has received recognition for her work, including multiple Oscars. Besides filmmaking, she also occasionally appears in various films and television shows. You could say that she’s got all the skills she needs to be successful in the entertainment industry!

It’s no secret that Coppola has been continuing to influence the entire film industry for several decades. Interestingly, she turned 50 back in May of 2021. At that age, she’s already achieved a surmountable amount of greatness and success in the entertainment industry. Just a few years ago, Coppola received credit as the second woman to win Best Director at the Cannes Film Festival. She continues to work on her craft today, even in her 50s. It’s certainly exciting to see her to continue to flourish as one of Hollywood’s best directors.

Taye Diggs

There are a good number of actors who’s been around for quite some time. Most of these tenured actors have been able to dabble in all kinds of acting roles, gigs, and projects, including Taye Diggs. Though it’s pretty common for Hollywood actors to have a ton of talent, he is one talented actor who seems to be incredibly versatile when it comes to portraying any role.

Diggs is already 51 years of age, and it certainly doesn’t look like he’s aged a day. He’s best known for his performances in Set it Up, Rent, and Moulin Rouge. You could argue that the actor used his performances in these iconic films as his investment to become an even better actor. Without a doubt, Diggs is one of those tenured Hollywood actors that possess exceptional talent and range. He’s certainly a master of his craft!

