親愛的霍爾曼 |傑克尼科爾森的女兒

Honey Hollman 不是典型的 40 歲,這要歸功於她天生年輕的基因。除此之外,她還有一個不那麼典型的父親,好萊塢巨星傑克尼科爾森。她的父親在他活躍於電影事業的歲月裡幾乎贏得了所有獎項,使他成為娛樂圈最受尊敬的演員之一。

Honey is Danish since and was born in Denmark to Nicholson and his former girlfriend, a Danish supermodel Winnie Hollman. She is also taking on an entertainment career. She often appears with minor roles in TV series and some other shows, but that’s just only the beginning for Honey. With a successful dad like hers, we’re sure she has all the guidance and support she needs. Most importantly, however, Honey loves to spend her investment money on charities, and she has hosted a lot of charity events.
