Caleb James Goddard | Jack Nicholson And Susan Anspach’s Son

Celebrities Jack Nicholson and Susan Anspach’s romance in the 1969 film 五個簡單的片段 resulted in having a son named Caleb Goddard. Despite Nicholson’s initial denial of being Caleb’s father, the actor eventually came to his senses. He acknowledged the boy as his own, 幫助 Anspach 處理現金貸款,因為他們都送他上大學。迦勒首先被合法收養 迷失在太空 明星馬克戈達德。

Caleb also entered the movie industry, acting for ‘耳光麥克斯韋的故事 並在幕後擔任電影的外景經理 被指控有罪。 Currently, the 50-year-old Caleb is more inclined to produce and write for movies and TV series. He has halted his acting career and is more interested in making storylines and living a pretty normal life as a family man. He may not have taken the same lucrative career his father pursued, but we’re sure he’s more than happy with the path he has now.
