Christian Gibson | Mel Gibson And Robyn Moore Gibson’s Son

克里斯蒂安·吉布森是著名演員兼製片人梅爾·吉布森與妻子羅賓·摩爾·吉布森的 38 歲兒子。自2016年以來,他一直活躍在電影行業,擔任攝像師,為 均衡器,鳥盒, 和 鋼鋸嶺。

Unlike his dad, who appeared in front of the camera, the younger Gibson preferred to be behind it. It is still not confirmed if he also wanted to venture into acting or even have a degree of interest in taking on roles. Right now, Gibson is passionate about sharing his behind-the-scenes works on his Instagram page while traveling for work. His photos also depict the camera operator’s raw and up-close life, which he seemed to be enjoying to bits. He has also kept a low profile regarding his personal life, just like his twin brother Edward who is also not keen on sharing his private life.
