伊莎貝拉·羅斯·詹努利 |洛瑞路夫林的女兒

我們都知道 Lori Loughlin 是因為她在熱門情景喜劇中扮演的標誌性角色 客滿。 在她的整個職業生涯中,她還獲得了一些更顯著的學分。儘管如此,作為她美麗的女兒 Olivia Jade 和 Isabella Rose Gianulli 的媽媽,也許是她必須扮演的最重要的角色。

儘管這位 22 歲的姑娘出身於好萊塢和時尚界,但這並沒有使她和她的妹妹免於陷入爭議。 In case you didn’t know, their family recently went through a legal battle, forcing their family to seek their lawyer’s help. However, we’re sure that after all of this is over, the girls, especially Isabella, can slowly go back to pursuing their dreams, whether it be in Hollywood or an entirely different field. We just hope, though, that they’ve learned their lesson from this whole ordeal.
