Coco Arquette | Courteney Cox And David Arquette’s Daughter

Coco Arquette is the celebrity daughter of Courteney Cox and David Arquette. The 16-year-old child star was introduced to her parents’ line of work at an early age, landing several movie roles as a teenager. Coco has starred in the 2014 movie 就在我走之前 和 2020 年的電影 你不能殺死大衛·阿奎特。 

可可小時候長得很像她的母親。在 Instagram 帖子中, 朋友們 actress was impressed by how Coco can dress up stunningly compared to her back when she was her age. Aside from having good taste in fashion, Coco is also into music. In another social media post, Courtney eagerly shared her and her daughter’s singing session. Cox is inclined to play the piano while Coco was able to belt our Demi Lovato’s 任何人。 從她所展示的才華來看,可可在好萊塢似乎前途無量。如果她決定冒險進入這個行業,她確實會在娛樂界佔有一席之地。
