Dylan Michael Douglas |Catherine And Michael Douglas’ Son

凱瑟琳澤塔瓊斯和邁克爾道格拉斯很少向狗仔隊展示他們的孩子,但持續的全球健康危機讓他們的媽媽在她的 IG 中讓她的粉絲看到了 Carys 和 Dylan。這兩個人肯定已經長大了,看起來一點也不像他們的父母。迪倫目前正在布朗大學攻讀學位,而他的姐姐則在寄宿學校就讀。他已經在布朗大學讀大三了。

Dylan has shown some interest in acting, which his parents are encouraging. We’re sure that despite having the talent engraved in his genes, his parents also devoted some investments into honing and polishing his and his sibling’s skill in acting and other forms of art. Dylan’s first foray into acting was in the TV series 一級方程式:BBC 體育。 雖然他的出現時間很短,但足以讓他獲得一些急需的曝光度。
