Ella Craig |Fiona And Daniel Craig’s Daughter

It’s not easy becoming a celebrity child, even more so if your parents ended up separating. However, Ella Craig, 007 star Daniel Craig, and Fiona Loudon’s daughter managed to navigate a broken family and is currently making a name for herself in the entertainment industry. Just like her father, Ella made her debut on stage for the play 莎士比亞公司。

如果你看一下她的簡歷,你會發現她參演的電影很多,比如 Memory’s Paradigm, Texas Road, Cold Blood, 最近, 創傷是一台時間機器。 Ella also makes art on the side and curates it on social media. She is indeed one talented young lady with her whole career ahead of her, and with her mom and dad’s support, there’s no doubt she’ll go far. It seems that Ella doesn’t have to worry about getting any personal loans either since she is making money for herself too.
