Eric Norris| Dianne And Chuck Norris’ Son

Eric Norris seems to love creating an action-packed career. He became a stock car racing driver and later a stuntman and ultimately won the NASCAR Winston West Series Championship in 2002. Eric started to race back in 1982 but stopped to pursue a degree at the Arizona State University. Afterward, he became a full-on race car driver at the Willow Springs Raceway and the Formula Ford Series. He had quite a career as a race car driver, but it is not the only job he had while growing up.

埃里克還一直在電視和電影中進行特技表演。他曾與父親一起合作過電影,例如 入侵美國,三角洲部隊,復仇力量, 和 來自火星的入侵者。 埃里克還擔任過次要角色,例如 萬能戰士,救救我, 搭檔。 他還做過特技表演 辦公空間,城鎮, 國家寶藏, 僅舉幾個。
