Jamison Bess Belushi | Jim Belushi’s Daughter

Jamison Bess Belushi 是 Jim Belushi 漂亮的女兒。由於他們的團隊合作和化學反應,他們被稱為好萊塢最具標誌性和鼓舞人心的父女二人組之一。

這位 21 歲的歌手兼詞曲作者兼電影演員。作為一名女演員,賈米森在電影中獲得了表演學分,例如 據吉姆說 和 最後的夏天 時間回到 2019 年。她還出現在 2010 年的電影中, 談話。 Outside of acting and Hollywood, Jamison busies herself with spending time with her family. In fact, the young actress has shared that she is fond of going to basketball games with her father. Now, isn’t that adorable? Given that her father is an accomplished actor, we’re fairly certain that Jamison’s career will follow suit. After all, she’s still in the early stages of her career. Jamison still has all the time in the world to work and hone her craft.
