Lola Consuelos | Kelly Ripa And Mark Consuelos‘s Daughter

Kelly Ripa 和 Mark Consuelos 自 1996 年私奔以來一直在一起。這對在電視劇中相識的情侶 我所有的孩子 在一起相愛 25 年後,有了三個已成年的孩子。 Ripa 和 Consuelos 仍然活躍在這個行業。 Ripa 因其長期脫口秀而家喻戶曉 居住!與凱利和瑞安 而 Consuelos 作為 Hiram Lodge 在 里弗代爾 及其衍生產品 凱蒂基恩。 最近,他們的孩子慢慢地進入了這個行業。他們的長子邁克爾在一集中描繪了年輕的海勒姆洛奇 里弗代爾, 而現在,Lola Grace也受到了關注。

Lola Grace is the secondborn of Ripa and Consuelo. Born in 2001, Lola is now studying at New York University and pursuing her degree in music. Like her brother, Lola was sent to school far from their home as a sort of training. The couple wanted to teach their children independence, starting with college. As such, Ripa praised her daughter’s confidence and individuality and considered it a sign of her growth.
