Angel Iris Murphy Brown | Eddie Murphy’s Daughter

2006年,艾迪·墨菲和梅蘭妮·布朗兩大明星結為夫妻。墨菲的女兒 Angel Iris Murphy 從這個聯盟中脫穎而出。雖然他最初否認自己是 Angel 的父親,但他現在一直在努力了解她。事實上,當安吉爾需要留在英國時,他會照顧她。支持和功勞歸功於 Eddie!

The father and daughter tandem share the same birthday, but that’s not the only thing that Angel shares with the famous singer and comedian. Just like her mom and dad, Angel’s into singing. Still, at the tender age of 14, singing might be a hobby for now, but there’s definitely a big chance we’re looking at a rising singing sensation! With parents like hers, we’re certain Angel won’t have a hard time adapting to the limelight if she does decide to go into Hollywood.
