Romeo Beckham | David And Victoria Beckham’s Son

There’s no doubt that the Beckham family is full of attractive faces, and slowly but surely, each family member is entering the spotlight. David Beckham is a former English professional football player. Meanwhile, Victoria Beckham was best known as an English singer. Interestingly, it seems that their children aren’t following in either of their footsteps – or at least not yet.

眼下,又一個貝克漢姆蓄勢待發。最近,羅密歐·貝克漢姆 (Romeo Beckham) 首次為時尚雜誌拍攝封面 L’Uomo Vogue.顯然,為拍攝所做的所有投資都沒有白費!如果你看過拍攝的照片,我想你會同意他就像是為鏡頭而生!即使他走上了不同的道路,大衛和維多利亞似乎也為他們的兒子感到非常自豪,並且已經表達了他們的支持。
