Elizabeth Ann Hanks |Samantha And Tom Hanks’ Daughter

Elizabeth Ann Hanks grew up surrounded by the glimmering lights of Hollywood thanks to her celebrity parents, Samantha Lewes and Tom Hanks. Her father is not just one of Hollywood’s icons, but he is also a filmmaker too. It is not surprising that she would follow in her parents’ footsteps and appear in 阿甘。

She also appeared in her father’s directorial debut film, 你做的事! 以及她的兄弟科林和她的繼母麗塔威爾遜。她在劇中飾演寶拉 錨地, 由邁克爾勞森編劇和導演的電影。除了是一名演員,伊麗莎白還為自己撰寫了幾篇社論,從而在出版界聲名鵲起。 赫芬頓郵報。 To her credit, she will be quite in-demand real soon with her skills. Who knows, she might also follow Tom’s footsteps behind the camera and do some behind-the-scenes work in Hollywood.
