Hannah Gibson | Mel Gibson’s Daughter

Just in case you can’t tell from Hannah’s last name, she is the daughter of the legendary Mel Gibson. Mel is one of the most controversial actors of all time, not just because of his acting skills and extreme success but also because of his personal struggles. It may not sound like it, but he is a role model to his daughter when it comes to possessing strength, bravery, and resilience.

和她的父親一樣,漢娜也從事娛樂業。然而,哈娜沒有以演員的身份為角色注入活力,而是選擇成為一名化妝師。然而,她確實和她父親一起在電影中獲得了一些表演學分,比如 愛國者 (2000), 女人想要什麼 (2000),和 東泉堪薩 (2014)。在好萊塢工作之外,Hannah 還忙著做三個孩子的媽媽。
