Dakota Johnson | Melanie Griffith And Don Johnson’s Daughter

Dakota Johnson has etched her name as one of the best actresses of her generation. She did not even have to use her parents Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson’s popularity, to get into the entertainment business. She has her own charisma on the big screen, thanks to her great acting chops and unique personality.

約翰遜因飾演阿納斯塔西婭·斯蒂爾一角而聲名鵲起 五十度灰, 首次亮相 社交網絡 電影。在她決定停止攻讀大學學位後,父母切斷了她的財務自由後不久,她就進入了演藝界。儘管如此,約翰遜還是能夠茁壯成長,獲得了$1400萬的整體淨資產。正因為如此,她設法建立了自己的公司,一家名為 TeaTime Pictures 的製作公司,她與 Netflix 高管羅·唐納利 (Ro Donnelly) 共同創立了這家公司。
