茉莉花 M. 喬丹 |邁克爾喬丹的女兒

Jasmine M. Jordan has grown to be a lovely lady, and her legendary dad, Michael Jordan, can definitely take the credit. Jasmine confessed that she learns more about her dad by the day, and she still some unexplored stories about her father. She also added, with a big smile, in one of her interviews that she’s been frequently texting her father, Michael Jordan, while learning more about him in ESPN.

信不信由你,Jasmine 在 Google 上查找了她自己的父親。在她眼裡,他是巨星,她也是。 Jasmine 在她的大部分活動中都是超級明星,例如舞蹈和田徑運動。年紀輕輕,她就已經積累了數百萬美元,其中大部分來自設計運動鞋。她是 Jordans by Nike 系列美妙而奢華的鞋子背後的傑出人物之一。
