Louie Gibson | Mel Gibson’s Son

Mel Gibson is certainly one of the biggest names in the industry. He is a heavily decorated American actor, but he has also worked his magic behind the camera. Mel is also a film director, producer, and screenwriter.

Talent seems to run in the family. His son, Louie Gibson, is slowly making a name for himself in the field. In 2017, he released Happy Hunting, a movie that credits him for editing, production, writing, and direction. Talk about talent! Louie has gotten involved in several films, but unlike his father, it seems he prefers to be behind the camera than acting in front of it. Right now, he’s currently involved with two films, Manifest West and Grow. Those who saw his first few films would probably be anticipating the release of his new projects. Better get ready; the younger Gibson might just totally wow you!
