Jessica Rae Springsteen | Bruce Springsteen’s Daughter

In Hollywood, it is common that children follow in the footsteps of their parents. For Bruce Springsteen, this was not the case, as his daughter, Jessica Rae, decide to trek down a different path.

Born on December 30, 1991, Jessica Rae Springsteen is the second child of Bruce Springsteen and Patti Scialfa. Jessica and the rest of the family grew up far from the spotlight as their father relocated them to a horse farm in New Jersey. From there, Jessica grew fond of horses which started her interest in horse riding. Since she was four years old, Jessica has been riding horses, leading to her equestrian career. She has joined several competitions, won several awards and medals, and represented the United States in international competitions. Credits are due to Bruce and Patti, as their support is the key to Jessica’s success.
