Angel Iris Murphy Brown | Eddie Murphy’s Daughter

In 2006, two big names, Eddie Murphy and Melanie Brown, became a couple. Out of that union came Murphy’s daughter, Angel Iris Murphy. While he initially denied being Angel’s father, he has now been trying to get to know her. In fact, when Angel needed to remain in the UK, he took care of her. Props and credit to Eddie for that!

The father and daughter tandem share the same birthday, but that’s not the only thing that Angel shares with the famous singer and comedian. Just like her mom and dad, Angel’s into singing. Still, at the tender age of 14, singing might be a hobby for now, but there’s definitely a big chance we’re looking at a rising singing sensation! With parents like hers, we’re certain Angel won’t have a hard time adapting to the limelight if she does decide to go into Hollywood.
